Body Prints

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Body loans

It was in the Arts Academy of Perpignan that MA2F discovered Print Art. This artistic process has deeply impregnated his work. Either directly with a work on soil prints, or through other media such as « sun paint » or devices like the « points of view ».
MA2F moulds feminine busts, capturing a specific instant from each skin, body, each life as if each body was loaning its life sparkle to the artist collected through the print made.
This first print/moulding gives the impression that our looks come from the inside of the body. The reconstruction realised from this moulding restores the anatomy as we see it when we face it.
The body is always questionned in terms of volumes, and positive space, MA2F proposes instead a « point of view » based on hollow and negative space. Thus, and that is a constant concern in his work, negative and positive spaces are exposed, as well as feminine and masculine aspects.
Moreover, this minimal space between two pieces is then revealed to us : this virtual gap where all is played, and where the uniqness of a life is set.


Romy se fait emprunter


Credits :
Photo : Eve San Ramon
Model : Romy
Make-up : Nina




VIDEO >> Body prints

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